Lioness of Prideless
Played by Cat

It would seem that other than the lake, the rest of the lands so far were harsh and dreary. Nothing was able to remind her of home, just yet. However, she did not let that be a shadow over her mood. She kept a positive outlook. Sure that much more lay in waiting for her to discover. A whole new world that she wanted to desperately share, or conquer, with her crewmates.

There was one, in particular, she looked for today. They had split shortly before she stumbled inside this new kingdom of sort and had failed to reunite. Being separated from her siblings for so long was not a usual thing for the trio. She climbed the small rise with much effort. The loose gravel did not allow her to traverse the territory so easily. As she reached the top, her smile dissipated. There was still nothing.

Head lulled back and she called out. A long, slightly demanding sound that urged her sister to find her. In the vast expanse of open land, she lowered her slate bodice to wait.