Her enamoration broke upon the realization her son was nestled at her side. His head pressed into her limb and with a reactionary grace Marcella curled hers around and down to plant a nudge and nuzzle to the top of Alain's crown. "Pay attention Alain." Marcella hummed softly to her son's ear as she recoiled from her brief show of affection. To her tone there was seriousness and eagerness both. In her heart and Claude's both there sat a special place for the battle and the mother was growing anxious to see how, or if, it would emerge in their children. The unfortunate fact of life however- regardless if it was their want, something that they enjoyed, the need for violence would end up thrust upon them eventually. Should she be able to help it her children would not be ones to shy from the battle and the blood at the very least.
He felt the jagged ends of her teeth snapping against the flesh of his right shoulder, the bartering system of it all convincing Kaden to let go of her shoulder with his own teeth in favor of a breathy hiss. Shallow wounds began to simmer with traces of blood from where her teeth held purchase.
Kaden lowered his right paw to the earth once finished with the slicing motion, adjusting his weight accordingly so that he was balanced between all four of his paws with his black claws extended into the mud of the shores for grip. He turned his head to his right at about a 45-degree angle, attempting to use their close proximity to bite down at the folds of skin on the right side of her neck. While they had already been entangled so brute impact was likely not an effective tool for the goliath lion to use, he still pressed forward with his chest, attempting to force the smaller lioness back roughly sheerly with his weight against hers.
91/100 HP

Her bite held not the same ferocity nor strength as Kaden's, but it was enough to draw him back from her own shoulder, and the Wolf swiftly followed suit. Kaden's moment allowed him to move first before Arsynia could truly react, but from the corner of her eye could she see the glint of his fangs in the blistering sunlight as he reached for right side of her neck. With all four of their paws on the ground, and facing directly head-on, Arsynia was able to just barely react. In one swift motion did she take a single step back, while lowering her head to level it with his own. While his jaws were then able to score her right cheeks, the damage was far less crippling, and suddenly gave the lioness unfettered access to the left side of his own face. With little time left before his own reaction, Arsynia wrenched her head a hair to her left, and aimed to catch his right ear in her teeth, one of the easier things to reach.
for spar
ii of iii
73/100 HP
He lifted his front left paw once more, balancing himself and keeping mindful of his center of gravity, and then attempted to swipe with his extended claws at the sensitive flesh of her armpit just behind her right elbow.
81/100 HP

His claws seared into her elbow, his fortitude and aggressiveness evident in every brutal movement. Arsynia had certainly found a powerful opponent, and Kaden was worthy of his crown. Nevertheless, she took the last breadth of fight left within her to lift her own left paw and surge it forward. Their clear differences in height offered Kaden an advantage, and where he was able to firmly grapple on her elbow, she instead aimed for halfway below his, along the middle of the backside of his own right foreleg, hoping to score the tender flesh there.
for spar
iii of iii
63/100 HP